
Get More Followers On Tumblr

Tumble page open on a laptop

If you use Tumblr, you probably want your posts to be seen by as many people as possible. Gaining exposure for your online blog can be difficult, and connecting with people who may want to follow your blog can be a hard task as well. So, what can you do to get more Tumblr followers?

Luckily, there are things you can do to gain followers on Tumblr, and we're here to tell you what they are. We're going to give you some advice on how to get more followers. But first, we're going to give you a little overview of our recommended tips for getting followers on Tumblr.

Tumblr logo

6 steps to getting more Tumblr followers

  • Only post about one topic – having a focussed theme to your blog may attract people more than a bunch of random posts
  • Give your blog a makeover – update your blog's appearance by changing its design
  • Add tags to your posts to categorize them – putting tags on your posts will make it easier for others to find them
  • Talk about your blog on social networks – maybe people who follow you elsewhere will be interested in checking out your Tumblr page
  • Come up with something original – instead of re-blogging other users' posts, come up with your own content!
  • Try your hand at SEO – some strategies for search engine optimization (SEO) may be useful to gain followers on Tumblr

Now that we've given you an outline of what we're going to cover, let's get into the specifics of what to do to get a follower boost on Tumblr.

Things to do to help you grow your following on Tumblr

1. Post about one specific theme

If your feed is full of posts on anything and everything you're interested in, other people might see it as being a little hectic or not cohesive. If you focus your blog to have posts about only one topic or theme, you may find that more people start to follow you.

If there's a topic you're really interested in or know a lot about, that could be a good place to start. For example, maybe you're a fan of makeup and trying out new products. If that applies to you, you could start a beauty-related blog. If you have multiple interests, you can create secondary Tumblr blogs for each additional topic you'd like to post about.

Multiple blogs open on Tumblr

2. Improve your blog's layout and appearance

If you've had your blog for a while, your layout and design of your page may be a little outdated. To make it more appealing to others and entice them to follow you, you should consider giving your blog a makeover with a new background, layout, or color scheme.

Making your Tumblr page more aesthetically pleasing is easy with pre-made themes. You can find tons of pre-made themes here. Some cost money to use, while others are completely free. If you know how to write computer code, you can even create your own theme from scratch.

Various Tumblr themes

Simple changes like adding a new background pattern or changing a font can make your blog more eye-catching. Play around with your blog design and see if it helps with your follower count. Another thing you can do to spruce up your blog is to give it a new name and URL.

3. Use hashtags to help other Tumblr users find your blog

Whenever you post about something on Tumblr, you should always add tags to it. This will help people find your posts, and in turn may make them want to check out the rest of your Tumblr and follow you. Add tags that relate to the topic of your posts, or tags relating to the theme of your blog.

For example, if you were posting a picture of your dog, you could add tags like "dog," "puppy," "cute," "pet," "animal," etc. You can create a tag for any word or phrase relating to your post. This way, if someone searches for a word that you've tagged, your post will appear in their search results.

Tagged posts for a search for keyword -dog-

4. Post about your Tumblr on other social media platforms

Many people use social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. If you use one or more of these websites or apps, you likely have connections to people who would be interested in following your Tumblr blog.

If you feel comfortable sharing the content of your Tumblr page, share a link to your Tumblr on your other social media accounts. At least a few of your followers on your social media pages will probably want to follow your blog(s).

You could even take a screenshot of what your blog looks like, and write a short description of what you post about, then share it on all of your social media pages asking your friends and family to check out your blog. To help other people discover your blog through social networking, add the hashtag "#tumblr" to your social media posts about your blog.

Tumblr media tag

5. Post lots of your own content rather than posting other people's

Tumblr makes it really easy to re-post someone else's content to your own blog if you enjoy another user's post and want to share it with your followers. When you repost someone else's content, they still get credit for the content. If you only ever post "reblogged" posts, and never share anything that's your own, your followers may get bored.

Try your best to come up with original content and post your own text, pictures, and videos when you can. Creating your own unique content and sharing it on your blog will be more entertaining to your followers. Hey, if other users happen to come across your original posts and share them, you'll still get credit for the original post. This is another great way to gain exposure and get more followers.

6. Use SEO strategies to optimize your blog

Our last tip to get more followers on Tumblr is to try out Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. This can help improve your follower count by giving you more exposure on Tumblr and elsewhere. These things can help your blog come up higher on search pages in Google, so your blog is more likely to be seen by more people.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing tactic to help gain website traffic from search engines. Making small changes to your page like adding more keywords and keeping your posts to a specific length can show Google that your page is worth pushing higher up on a search results page.

If you're a beginner with SEO, check out this beginner's guide to find out what you can do to optimize your blog. If you can work in some of these tips with your Tumblr page, you will have more followers in no time!

Any and all of these tips can help you get followers on Tumblr and connect with other people who are interested in the same topics you are. To learn more about this popular blogging website and how to use it, check out our free course on Tumblr. If you haven't signed up for an account yet, read our tutorial on creating a Tumblr blog to help you get started, and our tricks to increasing your follower count will have your new blog flourishing in no time!

Get More Followers On Tumblr


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