
How To Pick Up Anchor In Raft

Learning How to use the ballast in Raft is an important step on your journey to survival. Without it, you'll never be able to go out your raft without it floating abroad. Anchors are critical to progressing through Raft and exploring its world, so you have to acquire how to use them.

To utilise the anchor in Raft, place your anchor of choice. Then walk upwards to it and press E. If you're using the throwable anchor, you'll demand to throw information technology into the body of water. If y'all're using a stationary ballast, information technology'll do that automatically.

Of course, there's a footling more to it than that, so we're going to walk y'all through how to utilize both types in depth beneath.


  • How to Use the Anchor in Raft
    • Throwable Anchor
    • Stationary Anchor

How to Use the Ballast in Raft

Throwable Ballast

Raft how to use the anchor - throwable anchor.
Screenshot past Gamezo

The outset type of anchor that you'll get your hands on in Raft is the throwable one. Yous'll take the recipe for information technology immediately in one case you starting time the game. Building it will toll you:

  • 2 Planks.
  • 4 Ropes.
  • four Stones.

It's not the most expensive recipe in the globe, and information technology's just as well considering the throwable anchor is a single-utilize item. Once you use it, you'll lose it and have to craft information technology again.

To employ it, select it from your quick bar. It needs to be placed on the outer side of your raft, and the stick needs to be facing the water. If yous're trying to put it on the border and information technology's still highlighting cerise, employ R to rotate it effectually.

Once you've placed your throwable anchor, walk upwards to information technology and press E, or whatever your interact key is to pick it up. Once it'south in your easily, utilise it like your hook or fishing rod. Left-click to accuse it up, then release and you lot'll throw information technology. It'due south heavy and won't fly very far, so make sure you're on the edge of your raft when you fling it into the h2o.

Once information technology's hit the bottom, your raft will be secured in place until you remove information technology. To remove information technology, walk upward to the little stick still fastened to your raft and printing E. You'll cut the anchor off and be on your merry fashion.

Stationary Anchor

Raft stationary anchor.
Screenshot by Gamezo

Eventually, yous're going to become tired of having to arts and crafts a new anchor every single time you go to explore an island. That's where the stationary anchor comes in. It's big and chunky, but it is reusable which will save yous a lot of resource.

Unlike the throwable variant, y'all're going to have to do some research at your research table to unlock the stationary anchor. You need to research the following items in order to unlock its recipe:

  • Plank
  • Rope
  • Metal Ingot
  • Hinge

In other words, you're going to need to take your smelter up and running before you tin can build one, making it a middle-game item. Once you practice have admission to metal, though, information technology isn't too hard to go 1 upward and running. The recipe for information technology is:

  • ten Planks
  • 6 Ropes
  • 3 Metallic Ingots
  • 1 Swivel

Figuring out how to utilize the stationary anchor is a picayune bit different than the throwable version. It'southward a big slice of furniture that requires a three×3 space to be placed. The heart tile of that 3×three grid also needs to be empty and so that it can lower down into the water. I would recommend building an extra layer of foundation around your 3×3 to protect it from shark attacks.

Once you've placed information technology, walk over to the winch and press E. This will lower the anchor and stop your raft from moving. Printing E on the winch again to pull it back up.

At that place is 1 other type of anchor: the avant-garde stationary ballast. That'due south a tardily-game item, though, and is merely slightly different from the regular stationary anchor then it's not worth going over. Otherwise, that'southward all yous need to know on how to apply the ballast in Raft. Hopefully, we managed to answer any questions y'all might have had.


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