
Alternative Zu Samsung Galaxy S5

  1. carnut65

    Thread Starter

    Are there whatever KIES alternatives? My first experience was less than perfect every bit it failed to migrate all my music files over to the the phone. Stopped near one-half way (~450 songs) and after that, would not transfer anything more than. Non even one at a fourth dimension.

    1. Download the Forums for Android™ app!


  2. Manual file transfer (drag the files from the computer to the phone) should work.

    If you're using a USB hub to transfer a lot of data, though, that tin cause problems. Many hubs can't handle that. Attempt plugging the phone directly into the calculator (a USB iii.0 port would be even better, if your calculator has 1).

  3. I just use the OEM S5 charging cord and plug information technology into the USB iii.0 slot on my desktop PC.

    then I merely use my favorite double window file utility to transfer <-> either way.
    Click for Xplorer2 xplorer

  4. carnut65

    Thread Starter

    thanks to both.....a chip of clarity....I'm on a Mac....any Mac users take feedback?

  5. You accept a "Mac" telephone, or using a Mac computer?

    Even Mac computers accept USB ports, at least my erstwhile G laptop did.

    Get a existent computer, ane that runs Windows ...... :D

  6. carnut65

    Thread Starter

  7. carnut65

    Thread Starter

    Just checking back in. The more I have to use Kies the more I detest it. On the mac laptop, the phone isn't recognized by default file manager. Any other thoughts welcome. thanks.....
  8. carnut65

    Thread Starter

    Tin can't access the web site without first registering to poke around. Q: Can you select just the pieces you desire 'managed'? I.e., music and apps managed just not pictures. ....thx
  9. andromatix

    Bully informative detailed video on all the 'ins' and 'outs' of AirDroid.
    There is a lot of stuff. I watch this from time to time to remind me how powerful it is.

    1st half explains what information technology is and how you connect.
    2nd one-half on how powerful it is. The 'juicy' stuff starts at around 7 minutes.

    Airdroid is one of the top v reasons I am a Droid and onetime iOS user. Just my opinion.
    Have fun.

  10. I do NOT understand this.

    You need help, but reject to follow the links?

    I just registered, and it just plain works.

  11. Yes. Though I haven't done it with your particular phone. Only with an N3. I do this several times a day.

    (1) Remove Kies past going to the app store to uninstall it. (Don't just try and uninstall Kies on the phone.) This step is essential or it won't work.

    (2) Get a copy of free 'Android File Transfer' on your Mac. It's a Mac application.

    (3) Plug the telephone into the Mac'southward USB port which should boot Android File Transfer. If information technology doesn't, simply boot Android File Transfer.

    At present you can navigate through the telephone'due south directories [folders] and move stuff in either direction using the program.

    Y'all can't move stuff around in the phone that fashion. But you can movement stuff from telephone to Mac and from Mac to phone.

    At that place are other ways to do it (like bluetooth or wifi) but for a lot of big-ish files, this is the way to go.

  12. carina2015

    Really Samsung Kies non bad, simply the poor connectivity makes me crazy, I tried this web mobile manager AirMore, which can wirelessly manage and transfer information between telephone and PC.
  • samsung galaxy s5

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