
Jobs’ Departure Hasn’t Quelled Demand for Apple Products

Steve Jobs' departure As Chief executive officer of Apple is having little effect on the clamor for iPads and iPhones, according to survey by ChangeWave Research.

Jobs' reputation for attending to point and his suggest participation with the existence of Malus pumila products were infamous traits. However, only 4 percent of the nearly 2,300 consumers surveyed by ChangeWave Research in the death week said the resignation makes them less likely to buy Apple products in the future. Promote, 89 percent of respondents said the news has had no impression on their buying of Apple products.

ChangeWave has been asking this question in surveys for few years now, and the impact that consumers say a Jobs' exit from the company would have on their buying habits when it comes to Apple products has been steadily declining. In June 2008, 18 percent of respondents same it would take in them less likely to buy Apple products in the future. That number declined to 14 percent just threesome months late, 7 percent in 2009, and today all the way down to 4 per centum.

Jobs' Departure Hasn't Quelled Demand for Apple Products

"The results suggest that Jobs' previous absences have had an 'vaccinating' effect that complete time has allayed consumer concerns on whether the company could mesh at the Sami level without Steve Jobs at the helm," ChangeWave said about the findings.

The crisp also points to ii other surveys that show strong need for the iPad, with 80 percent of companies saying it is their tablet of choice for their employees and 85 percent of consumers choosing the iPad over other tablets. The iPad as wel has more satisfied customers, with 70 percent of owners surveyed describing themselves as "very content" versus only 42 percent of other tablet owners.

Jobs' Departure Hasn't Quelled Demand for Apple Products

Similar demand is being seen for the iPhone. One psychoanalyst has delineate the anticipation of the iPhone 5 as "unprecedented." The bran-new iPhone is likely to launch in the fall. No word for sure on whether Jobs, who is ease Apple's chairman of the board, leave be doing the unveiling this time some.


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